
Silent C2

Silent C2 is a simple, lightweight golang based command-and-control (CNC).

💳 Purchase

You can purchase silent Here

🌐 Silent’s Webpages

Links Description
Silent Previews Info, Public previews of Silent C2, a sneak peek of what’s coming up
Reviews Info, See what some of our members have to say about Silent C2
Send Feedback Info, Public reviews/feedback for silent c2, share how you feel
Toggle Game Lesson, Enlightenment on paying a freelancer.
Image To Dot Tool, Convert images into intricate Braille dot art
Password Generator Tool, Easily create and save passwords
New Years Countdown Misc, New Years Countdown for until 2024
Notes Misc, Create and manage notes all in one place
WPM Speed Test Misc, Test and improve your typing speed with a WPM speed test
Key Codes Misc, Enter keys to view their KeyCode
Random Choice Picker Misc, Randomly pick a choice from a list
Bug Hunter Game, Hunt and Catch virtual bugs (impossible)
Movie Lookup Misc, Search and locate almost any movie
Github Lookup Misc, Fetch info about github users by their username
Clock Misc, Displays your local time time
Hangman Game, Guess words in Hangman
Breakout Game, A classic brick-breaking action to test your reflexes
Drawing Game, Feel like drawing? You can draw on this digital canvas
Color Splash Game, Moving your mouse on this gets a splash of colors enjoy lol

Project Details

Project Developers Public Distribution GNU/GPL Last Modified Status
Silent C2 Selfrep. x Ecstasy False Version 3 (June 29, 2007) November 7, 2023 In Development

✅ Silent Overview

Summary Description
Hybrid Protocol Supports both TELNET and SSH connectivity.
Command Handler Dedicated handler/manager for configuring command permissions, names, and command aliases, etc.
Account Permissions Reseller, Mod, Admin, Owner, and Normal.
Captcha Protection Customizable Captcha functionality upon login to prevent automated brute force attacks.
API Compatibility Supports sending API attacks via CNC.
Attack Manager Allows users to easily enable/disable attacks directly from the CNC.
Theme Customization Users can set their own themes, and you can create preset themes in the configuration.
User Manager Adding, removing, editing, kicking, banning, unbanning, listing, exporting, and looking up users.
Reseller Commands Dedicated resellers’ commands to manage their customers, adding, deleting, listing, and kicking.
Central IP Logging Logs a custom IP/URL with a tag to save for later; you can list, add, and remove logs.
Broadcast Allows broadcasting messages across the network via title/interface.
Account Plans Includes preset account plans for convenience when adding clients.
Customization Allows for complete customization, from title to prompt/pages to banner/commands and themes.
Built-In Discord Bot Includes a Discord bot with commands for managing users, reloading config, and normal utility commands.
And Much More  
API Attack Spam/Prevention

Discord Bot

Bot Cmds Command Description
latency See command latency
role Give a user a role (admin)
geo Geo locate an address
help Shows a list of all commands
roles Views server roles
invites See invites
online View who’s online on the net
reload Reloads the config file (admin)
users User management (admin)
feedback Give feedback (for customers)
pfp Fetches a user’s profile picture
uptime Gets the uptime of the application
hostname Hostname/DNS lookup
message Cross-platform messaging

⚠️ Coming Soon

Features To Come Description
Message of The Day Enable/disable, edit, and set preset MOTDs via DiscordBot and CNC.
Priority-Based Ticket System Allows Ticket Support within CNC and DiscordBot with response status.
Global Information Today’s Attacks, Average Weekly Attacks, Most Active Attacker, Most Recent Attack, Most Attacked Location.
Tools Logging
ping Password resets
whois User management
resolver Resellers
iplookup Mirai attack logs
portscan API attack logs
reversedns DDoS alerts
  DDoS attacks on host to email
  DDoS interface

❗ Setup Requirments

Installation / Setup

🔌 Connection
1. Database Setup
After setting up the database and screening, you can connect and login.
2. Connection Information
Configuration details (protocol type, port, host etc), can be adjusted in the config.json file located in the src/assets directory.
3. Default Login
Use the following default credentials to log in:
Username: root
Password: Admin67 (This is the default owner account, which you can customize later).
4. Password Security
Keep in mind that created account passwords are securely hashed, making manual password changes impossible. To change passwords, you can use the changepass command.
5. Getting Started
Once you have customized your username and password, you are ready to start adding clients. To begin, run the users command for a prompt.

⚙ Configuration

💰 Reseller Clients


Contact / Credits

🤝💰 Donations

Donations are much appricated, Happy coding.